As of the 22nd April 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in 2, 271, 136 cases and 169, 006 deaths. The global risk assessment still remains very high.
In this current climate, one that sadly will be with us for some time, it is vital that essential research continues. Research that is relevant and much needed, must be generated, delivered and read by those who are working directly and indirectly with the effects of the pandemic. These effects are not only immediate but will also be felt in years to come, especially by health systems and the most vulnerable.
Therefore, this is the time to continue the fostering of improved interprofessional collaboration in education, training and practice via the mechanism of research and the actions that need to take place, acting on that research.
We at the journal, wish to continue its mission in promoting such elements and actions and to do so now, we are asking for contributions on the impact of, response to and experiences relating to the COVID-19 pandemic that maintain an explicit interprofessional focus; and represent a diversity of settings, professions, and fields.
The deadline for submissions is May 29th 2020. You can read more about how to submit HERE
This document also provides similar details (JIC call for papers re COVID19).
In the meantime, we at the journal, send our best wishes to you all during this extraordinary period of time.