Monthly Archives: February 2011

Empirically and theoretically – where next?

Empirically, I would argue that there are four key areas which we need to concentrate on in order to develop the interprofessional field in the next five to ten years.   First, we need to employ more qualitative work to generate more data related to actually observing the interactive processes which occur during interprofessional activities… Read More »

The need for sociological theories

Theoretically, within the interprofessional field we still have some way to travel. Encouragingly, in the past decade we have seen a steady growth in the literature of adult learning principles, social psychology theories, organizational theories, systems approaches and psychodynamic perspectives.  Although the use of these different theories has been enhancing and deepening our knowledge about… Read More »


We welcome you to listen to the new and innovative Journal of Interprofessional Care audio podcast, where we will be interviewing different people in the field of IPE and IPC. JIC podcast now available at:


Welcome to the new Journal of Interprofessional Care blog!   Our aim with this blog is to provide a range of insights about a variety of critical issues affecting the interprofessional field. Specifically, the blog will explore, assess and discuss areas linked to both interprofessional education and interprofessional practice such as assessment approaches, evaluation designs, research… Read More »

The need for evidence

We need to generate good quality evidence to help us understand the processes, outcomes and impact (positive, neutral, harmful) of the things we do in order to advance our knowledge and inform our practices and policies.  At present, empirically, we know from the findings of systematic reviews and other literature syntheses that interprofessional education (IPE) mainly rests on a large… Read More »